
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Music and Letting Go

We all have times in our lives when we wish we could just escape. The "down" times when life throws a curve ball and we hit the dirt trying to catch it! Sometimes it feels like that is all we get. . . curve balls! So what do we tend to do? Eat dirt!

The truth of it is. . .and this can be easier said than done. . .we'd be a lot better off if we passed on the curve balls. Let them go! I, for one, have been trying to catch those curve balls all my life, thinking that if I could just catch this one, things will be much better. . .then I will be happy!

Finally, in my older but not necessarily wiser age, I am starting to grasp the concept of "letting go." The only real path to happiness is to "be happy!" Yeah! Easier said than done!

There are so many tools to use to maintain a calm and happy mind. One way that I really like, is through music (no surprise!). If, when we see that curve ball coming, we could conjure up our favorite music and refuse to let our minds focus on that ball, we might just be able to "let it go!" How many times have you caught yourself getting lost in the music? Or listening to music and visualizing a beautiful place? The right music can makes us feel like dancing and singing, instead of crawling into that black spot in our minds. It can bring joy, it can lift your spirits!

The other day, I was having a major battle with my computer (we tend to have a love/hate relationship!) Frustration was rearing its' ugly head! So, I took a break and sat down with my cello and focused totally on playing. I heard every note, felt every vibration and, for a while, was totally consumed by the sound! I felt much, much better and avoided the urge to throw my computer out the window!

Not everyone plays an instrument. . . obviously! But, these days, most of us have stereos, radios, ipods, mp3 players. . . something to go to in order to get away from an unpleasant experience or thought. The trick is to recognise the feeling before it consumes you and jump into something pleasant, even just for a couple of seconds. . . a "time out" of sorts.

It makes me wonder what businesses (corporations in particular) might be like if they provided a "time out" room! A place to "decompress" with beautiful music. Even though music is my career, it is also my "decompression".. . . . . something to think about!

So, try it out. The next time you feel pressure building or see that curve ball coming, listen to some music, get lost in it. If you are not where you have access to something to play it on. . .focus on it in your mind. . . hear your favorite song! It is something I work on all the time!!